Friday, November 1, 2013

Winter Blues....(and it ain't even Winter yet)...

Well...I really do not appreciate this time of the year.  Don't get me wrong, the colors are pretty,  the temperatures more in line with what I can tolerate...yada, yada, yada.  I have an aversion to the fact that I now go to work in the dark and leave work in the dark.  Me being crabby is not very conducive to a productive work environment.

Say "Hola" to Señor Crabby...

Last night was horrid.  I was so crotchety that I was making myself miserable.  I felt like my skin was all itchy and too tight.  A friend sending sassy texts, a French exam (which had me completely freaked out), the weather, lack of good sleep all contributed to my plight.  My friend talked me down off the ledge, I did (maybe) okay on the exam and getting my spikes cut may have helped - a little.

And...two white chocolate truffles didn't hurt, either:

Do you dream in chocolate? Then discover Lindor and enjoy a moment that is yours: When you break Lindor's delicate chocolate shell, the irresistibly smooth filling starts to melt, gently caressing all your senses and taking you to a place where chocolate dreams come true.  Gah!

What was I talking about...?  Oh yeah, spending too much time in the dark - light deprivation.  Maybe I should see about that light sensory therapy this year...wouldn't hurt.  Here are a few of my everyday "night-time" adventures....

Come on Spring...

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