Monday, November 4, 2013

A Little More of This, A Little More of That...

Okay....I have more Fall-yish to share today.  The one shot I want is on the expressway on my way to work.  But, like I stated the other day, it's dark when I drive to work and dark when I leave.  Although, since time has changed this weekend, it may be doable on the way home.  We'll see tomorrow morning.  I'll make sure to STOP the car and pull over this time.  :)

Here ya go...

One photo of the morning sky...from Walmart's parking lot.  (See?  You can find pretty stuff at Walmart!)

And my Lunch Treat to myself today - Applebee's.  Mmmm-hmmm...

Yay for me! tasted even better than it looks.  Holy. Crap.

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