Saturday, November 16, 2013

Makin' Somethin' Outta Nothin'.......

Hmm...This week has rather boring photo-wise.  Maybe I've just been boring this week.  (That wouldn't be much of a stretch.) 

Well, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way home today to surprise Mara with some Munchkins - or maybe to surprise myself with some Munchkins.  :)  Oh yeah, I purchased some regular tasties for everybody else.

I tried photographing some of my "loot" to make it even more delicious looking.

This way...

And that way....

And this way showing its "inner goodness" (that I sampled)...

Oh yeah, and this creamy, chocolatey awesomeness.....

And then the sad, sad aftermath...

My grandma always yelled at me for playing with my food at the table.  Documenting my daily menu isn't technically playing with it, is it? 

At least I didn't take a photo of the aftermath - decorating the front of my shirt (as usual).

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