Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's All Good....

So...Two nights in a row, outside, in the cold and dark.  Mind over matter while I'm out there but, when I finally made it home today?  Holy Crap.  My knee was swelled up so bad I couldn't bend it to untie my shoes.

Thank you, Mara.

Don't get me wrong, I had a blast chatting up the drivers and my yard-dog buddies gave me pizza (with ham and GREEN OLIVES!! - that I actually ate!!) and hot chocolate and my friend gave me some little foot warmers that I put in my coat pockets.

Don't get me going about the other Officer who thought it was tooooo cold for him to stand out there (I think the coyotes freaked him out some).  Did I mention that he is half my age - and I'm a GIRL?  Geez.

Well, after I was able to finally peel out of all my layers, I gingerly made my way into a steaming Epsom Salts bath.

It sucks getting old...

I think I fell asleep for a tiny bit.

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