Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Escapades....

Well....This weekend Mara and I had some adventures.  Saturday night we went to see the new Thor movie.  Woohoo!  It was pretty good, lots of action (and Mr. Hemsworth shirtless for a - very - short time).  We went to the 10:30pm showing so it was a virtual ghost town afterwards....

Then we moseyed over to Walmart for some middle-of-the-night hijinks.  After marking my territory there (inside joke), we tried to get some Taco Bell.  They were closed at 2:30am!  I thought they were all open until 4am - I was sorely disappointed. 

Sunday, after watching my soccer match, we headed over to the Art Museum.  This weekend was one of my favorite events - Art in Bloom.  Designers, florists and garden club groups are given a piece of Art in the Museum that they are to interpret in a floral arrangement.  Some of them are really, really good.  Some, not so much.  I know that sounds a little snobbish, but my mom was an accomplished florist for most of my life and I worked at a wholesale florist for 9 years.  I've seen the whole gamut.  Believe me.

I tried photographing some of the arrangements but the lighting was not very flattering.  So, instead, I made photos of some of the art that caught my eye, this trip.



Degas (holy crap!)...

One of my Angel girlfriends...

Beautiful women...

Dutch precision...

And my FAVORITE piece in the Museum...Rape of a Sabine Woman...

Here's one of the Beehive Gingers in one of the flower arrangements.

I have a story about taking this photo.  The painting the designer was depicting was "David with the Head of the Giant"  I thought everyone knew the story of how David slew the giant with his slingshot.  The name of the painting is RIGHT THERE on the plaque next to it...the name was also on the description of the floral arrangement.  Well, I had to wait for about 5 minutes to take my photo because there were two ladies discussing the flowers and the painting.  I was eavesdropping (as I am prone to do) when I overheard one lady ask the other if that was Santa Claus' head.  For Real?!?!  I was so light-headed I had to sit down for a moment...

I have a habit of photographing the interiors of elevators.  The lighting is usually pretty cool and you can get some great shapes and shadows...

It was a successful visit.

After the Museum, we decided to find a nice restaurant.  On the way back to Bellevue, we passed this cutie (I actually saw him in three different locations)...


Mara decided on Don Pablos for our lunch/supper.  No matter where I go, there is always something to photograph.  Food, Mara's view of Cincinnati, more food, the interior of the restaurant, more food, hot sauce and Mara in the restroom...

After we left the restaurant - too full to move (I was hatin' life all night long), I spotted this cool mirror - making this cool tableau...

Reminds me of M. C. Escher...

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