Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Morning Has Broken....

Well....the project of stopping to take a photo of the patchwork of colorful trees on the side of the expressway has failed. First day is was so overcast that there was no hope for anything worth shooting. Today, the sun was definitely up - and blazing into my eyes. Even if I had been able to pull off the road, I would have been forced to wait for a while to get the "right" light. Today was also a school day and I still had homework to do and a nap to take before class. :)

I was able to photograph this teeny-tiny perfect little maple leaf I found on the ground at work - once on the desk and once on the dash of my car. It was so cute. I made it into a charm on a necklace when I got home.

Well, this miniature specimen inspired me.  I drove around town and collected a veritable kaleidoscope of richly hued leaves - Gingko, Maple, Oak. I remembered that I have a small leaf press!  I have everything set up and we will see how it turns out in approximately 3 weeks.

Since I wasn't able to get my tree photos, I decided to post the ones I took of the sunrise this morning.  How beautiful!  It makes everything that comes after seem that much brighter.  (Check out that airplane in the second photo - makes you realize just how tiny we are in relation to the universe.)

Cat Stevens inspired me...I remember loving this song from choir at church - my 7th and 8th grade teacher was somewhat of a flower-child nun-in-the-making.  I couldn't sing work a lick, but I deeply appreciated the music.  Nostalgia...yeah.


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