Wednesday, November 13, 2013

All the Perks of 3rd Shift.....

Hmmm...Security is a glamorous job.  Somebody has to do it, might as well be me. 

As you can see, I had the utter delight (I wish I had the capability of underlining that twice) of sitting post outside last night - for 8 (EIGHT) hours.  Did I mention that at one point it was 22 degrees?  And that there is a nice (sarcasm) port-o-potty out there?  Uh, if you know me, you know that is NOT an option and at that temperature, my hind-end probably would have stuck.  It's not the location, it's the fact that I have a hand washing OCD and the god...they must be astounding.

I have to admit, though, I did have some fun.  The yard-dog bought me a hot chocolate (see the potty paragraph above), a driver gave me a fortune cookie (and if you knew the driver you would understand my concern when he asked me to read the fortune out loud - I asked him if it was one of those "naughty" fortunes - thankfully it wasn't) and another driver tried to run over me - twice - because I made him angry.  Karma's a bitch, buddy, right?  Did you say "hi" to those Boone County Deputies I contacted?

At one point, I called inside on the radio to report the temperature.  When all the guys made whiny noises and asked me who I was complaining to, I gently reminded them that this is now a regular post and I have to fill it every night with somebody.  Boy, the tuned sure changed then.

Well, Chuck Norris and I braved the cold and made these 2 photos to share.

One of my "post" (chair)....

And one of my view from the corner...

My one buddy didn't show up, though.  What's with that, dude?  Having fun out there with you all was the only reason I volunteered to freeze my ass off last night. 

Well, today is another day...

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