Friday, September 27, 2013

What We Do in Life Echoes In Eternity....

If you know me, you probably know that I am not the most patient of people.  For all of my adult life, if I wanted something badly enough, I just went out and got it (bought it, did it, took it). 

When Emily graduated college, I turned to Pappy - right there in the US Bank Arena - and told him I wanted "this", MY degree.  That was May. 2006.  By August, I was sitting in Medieval Philosophy (don't ask), surrounded by a bunch of 18 year old students.  That was the beginning of a crazy-assed journey.  I had a pretty good job making decent money, working days - 40 hours a week.  I was able to attend evening and Saturday classes for my first two years, sustaining a respectable GPA while maintaining a full course-load.  I would get up at 2:30am, do my homework, get ready for work, go to classes then home to bed at 10:00pm.  It was really insane.  Mara and Emily stayed with my parents since I was hardly ever home. 

Then came time for my Art Studios.  Most of these professors are (were) tenured so the majority of the classes are held during the day.  I tried to compromise with my employer at the time, but they were having none of it.  (Thanks, Jerry.  That was 9 years of company loyalty flushed down the drain.)  Well, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right?  So, I left there and took another position making 3 (THREE!!) dollars less an hour, but it was 3rd shift, where I could attend my classes and still work 40 hours.  My sleep schedule was all turned around, I was still only getting about 4 hours a day - and usually not all at one time.  My perseverance paid off (finally).  I graduated in May, 2011, with my BFA in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Photography.  I tried to graduate with two degrees - Photo and Art History - but I was told no, they are in the same discipline.  I had to graduate and come back to take any remaining classes for the BA in Art History.

Holy Crap.

What a pain in the rear this second degree has been.  I will FINALLY be graduating this December.  O.M.G.  I'm so ready for this to be finished.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being at school.  Being surrounded by so many intelligent, talented people is a real catalyst to my own performance as an "artist". 

All I wish for now is a career in which I can utilize my full potential.  I know what I am capable of - now.  I also know my limitations.  My personal bar is set so high that I will never reach my lofty expectations.  I have goals, but if they are within easy reach, where is the challenge?  If I can at least get close, I could perhaps be content. 

And this brings me to where I am today.  Time to dip my tootsies into the water.  Put out a few feelers.  See if I can at least get a few inquiries.  I sent out 3 resumes so far (piddly, I know).  One of those positions would have me and my family set for life.  Man, I don't want to jinx it, but given my track record (and previous outlook on my life) I'll be lucky to get a return email.  I need to think positive.  (Any help here would be greatly appreciated - please.)  So, I'm sitting here, trying to be virtuous - you know, patience is a virtue and all that (yada, yada, yada).  See me with my feet up?  Looking nonchalant?  Smoke and mirrors....

I keep thinking of a quote from my favorite movie of all time - Gladiator.  Commodus is speaking to his father, Marcus Aurelius...

You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: Wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. As I read the list, I knew I had none of them. But I have other virtues, father. Ambition. That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. Resourcefulness, courage, perhaps not on the battlefield, but... there are many forms of courage. Devotion, to my family and to you. But none of my virtues were on your list.

I always feel like this.  Is that a bad thing?  At least I'm trying.  I have almost killed "me" trying to better myself these past 7 years.  And, if you know me, you know that I do not nor will I ever feel I am "entitled" to anything whatsoever in life.  I worked my butt of to get to this point.  Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish something in this life.

Keep your fingers crossed....please?

Monday, September 23, 2013

"The Cure for Boredom is Curiosity....."

Plato wrote, "Necessity, the mother of invention".

What about boredom?  I usually get into all kinds of trouble when I am bored.  And how about bored...with a camera?  This could have had disaster written all over it.  Good thing I was bored and lazy.  I was only willing to go as far as my lenses could take me today.

I decided to wait for Mara on the first floor of the Student Union.  I had an hour to kill and believe me, there are some sights to see on campus, if you know HOW to look.

Today, I was intrigued by the shading on the windows along the front half of the building which gets the afternoon sun.  Pretty ingenious.  A grid pattern of small gray dots that can easily be seen through but still have a sunshade effect.  Sitting there next to the window, my eyes kept focusing on the spots then on the scene outside, the spots - the scene, the spots - the scene.

This got me to wondering if I could get my camera to do the same thing!  "Not so", said my pancake lens.  So I got out my 18-135mm, put it on Manual Focus (I'm not patient enough to keep trying to get the Auto Focus to work for me), and took a couple of shots.  Campus Police were parked at Griffin Hall so I at least had something interesting to shoot.  Cool!  There were some fascinating designs going on in my photos.  This had me thinking....when Mara gets there, she's going outside and let me takes some pictures of her - like it or not.

I explained what I wanted and she was a willing victim, er...model.

I fancy my photographs - if you use your imagination really hard - call to mind Pop-Artist Roy Lichtenstein's beautiful paintings.  Google him...I promise you won't be sorry. are my interpretations.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shades of Gray...

I always wondered if - waaaay back when, before color film - photographers took pictures of fruits and vegetables?  The photos weren't in color - obviously - so what would be the point?  Right?

I took a couple of pics of some veggies the other day (Meijer's this time, not meanie Krogers).  As you can see, they're kinda frightening.  How would is be possible to ever make a B&W photo of produce flattering?  Who would ever want to eat something that scary? 

I don't eat too many green things, anyway, so it's a moot point for me.

Why am I drawn to creepy stuff this month...what's the deal?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Miniature Beauties....

So, this morning at work, one of my good friends brought in some of his Matchbox Car collection for me to be able to see the manufacturer's marks.  Since I spend a lot of time looking at antiques/treasures, I wanted to know what to look out for while on a quest.

My friend is a serious collector.  He has over 3000 vehicles of all types in his collection.  Just the ones he brought to show me today are worth a total of over $600.00.  The fun is always in the hunt.  Finding a piece where you know the worth but the seller has it way under-priced makes the hours searching completely satisfying.

After photographing these little guys, I really want to set up some kind of little lightbox and shoot little stuff.  I have a little portable "studio" at home...maybe I'll go pick it up today.

Here's what I got to play with today.  I really, really like the chopper....

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Childhood Memories....

Isn't it weird how you can see or hear or smell or taste something and you are immediately transformed back years, even decades?  I had that happen to me this past weekend.  I saw a carved piece of wood, and Hank Williams Sr. was suddenly warbling a childhood favorite in my head.  A sad song of unrequited love.

Now I've been singing the freaking thing for the past 4 days - earworm.  Thanks, Hank.  Actually, I think it is Charlie Pride's version I keep imitating....badly, I must add.

As completely un-PC as this song is, it takes me back to a good memory of my childhood.  I'm sure either my mom or my dad or my grandma had the LP and played it (a lot).  Either way, I liked it then...and I kinda like it now.  Sorry to all of my Native American friends.  I was so naive back then.

Anyhow, here's Hank's version.

And a photo of my new friend, Kaw-liga.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This One's for You, Emmy....Ha. Ha. Ha.

In the 28+ years that I have been going to the Burlington Antique Flea Market, I have never, ever noticed just how creepy some of the items are.  I don't just mean "creepy",  I mean the stuff nightmares are made of...and I know from whence I speak.  (I still sleep with the lights on...even during the day.)

Check out some of the disturbing sights!  Holy crap...I can't believe I haven't been waking up screaming!

Clowns are bad enough (right Emily?), but baby-dolls are my kryptonite.  OMG...winky eyes, hair-club-for-men plugs, that vacant 1000 yard stare.  Egad.  Freaks, for sure.

My family has actually accused me of murdering my mom's ugly-assed doll - Kathleen - when we lived in Villa Hills.  Like I'd build a funeral pyre and through her nasty self in there.  Yeah, right. 

The really crazy fact here is that I own one of the creepiest dolls in the world.  Yep, Cissy is sitting right next to me - in all of her glory.  She's traveled all over the United States with me including Canada and Mexico.  Heck, she had her portrait made at Niagara Falls!

Well, here is a WHOLE bunch of repulsive, frightening sights.  Enjoy. 

Oh yeah...check out the chompers on that last dolly....she's gonna get me!

I may never sleep again....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday Fun (Randomness.....again)...

So, this past Saturday, my Dad, Mara and I went to Bellevue's Art in the Park.  As always, gorgeous work by all of the artists.  Thank you for letting me look.

Unfortunately, I didn't really take any photos of the work.  I always feel like I'm stealing the artist's "soul" if I photograph their art.  Silly, huh?  I did snap some pics at the Alpaca booth, though.  The CUTE alpacas and some finger puppets that I know are machine made (and probably not even alpaca).  Of course, one of the little guys was calling my name...the sweetest little monkey!!  His name is Adrian...Monk.  See what I did here?

We went to Popeye's in Covington for lunch afterwards.  The BEST chicken - ever!  And the redbeans and rice?  Mmmmmmm....

Well, I did take a whole bunch of random stuff today, as always.

Anything that catches my little eye.....

 Everybody needs a grumpy shark....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trunk Sale....

Saturday morning, we went to a Trunk Sale in Cold Spring.  Not much there - just like last year - but Mara scored some VHS for 25 cents each.  She was robbed, though, when she got home and found out her Boondock Saints was a tape of blank snow!  Now we'll be on an endless search for this movie until she can replace it.  Nevertheless, it was a cheap opportunity to take some fortuitous photographs.

 I really wanted that ship painting.....