Friday, October 7, 2016

“We can always redeem the man who aspires and strives.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Sue me. 

Or....Bless me Father, for I have's been @#!$% days since my last post....

I have excuses galore, but let's just go with "I'm a lazy-ass".  (Hit the nail right on the head.)  And because of my laziness, I had a mere 409 photos to edit - down to 84.  And to add to the lazy-stravaganza, I only processed 5 of them.  (My MacBook is so outdated and slow, my it takes me, on average, 10 minutes just to get it to recognize my external hard drive.  Yeah, that makes me a smidge frustrated.)

Okay, is the BEVY of photos from tonight's ministrations.  Voila.

Then there is this thing...I swear they sit around just WAITING for me to get home in the morning.  "Coo Coo, Toodles."  Creepy-ass flying rats with the little black beady eyes....

I have also decided to go through my photos and make a folder of all of my tree pics so I can maybe make another Blurb book.  There are 16k plus photos on the external I carry with me...and 165 of those are trees.  I have total somewhere in the vicinity of 66,000 photos...

Yeah.  Well, I found several photos I forgot about and thought were pretty cool.  I doubt if I've posted these here before...they were from before I started this blog. 

Oh well....I liked them.  Enjoy.

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