Sunday, October 9, 2016

“I dreamt of you last night - as if I was playing the piano and you were turning the pages for me.” ~Vladimir Nabokov


My CPR Certification card was expiring at the end of last month and I had to schedule my refresher course, which is provided by someone at the local office.  I lucked out (this time) because of two things: 

1. The instructor didn't make my sorry butt get on the floor (I guess he took one look and decided it wasn't worth calling the Fire Department to get me back up...).

2. The office has now relocated to the "new" Baldwin Building by Eden Park - instead of way up past Tri-County Mall.

And in the foyer of the "new" Baldwin Building??  A Grand Piano!!  Too cool! 

Of course, Chuck was BEGGING to take some photos - after I asked permission from the Security Officer.

So....Piano guts...

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