Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Say Hello to my Little Friend..."


When we first moved to Campbell County in January of 1985, the AA Hwy didn't exist.  I don't remember exactly what year it was completed, but I know I would sometimes take the back way when I worked at Kahn's, so it had to be after 1988. 

Well...the first time I saw a coyote standing on the side of the Highway, I kind of freaked out.  Think about where I grew up...Villa Hills - the 'burbs.  Considering the fact that our subdivision was an old farm - and I spent the majority of my childhood playing in the woods - there wasn't all that much fauna to be seen.  Heck, I had never even seen a wild turkey until I was pregnant with Mara.  Now you see whole flocks of them standing on the side of the road!

I digress.  After I saw my first coyote, I looked up their statistics in an encyclopedia (this was B.G. - Before Google) and it stated that their average weight was 25lbs.  Okay, the one I saw that long ago day was probably close to 25lbs.  He had pretty spindly legs and was really skinny and mangy looking.  But nowadays?  These guys are all over...and I mean ALL over.  I had a problem with them at my house - eating my cats - but I lived in a semi-rural area.  Now?  We live in downtown Cold Spring.  Pappy told me to look out my bedroom window the other morning...and I saw THIS bad-boy...

Yeah...he looks a smidgey more than 25lbs.  And he looks young.  Pappy has been carrying his walking stick now when he and Penny are out for their walk.  Maybe he needs a taser.

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