Monday, November 23, 2015

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.” ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Last week, when Emily came home for several days, we had a "Girls Day Out" at the Cincinnati Art Museum.  Even luncheon-ing at the Terrace Cafe (it makes us feel like we almost fit in with the snooty ladies there).  Of course, I visited all of my "girls" to take their portraits.

Oh yeah...I took a couple of my "real" girls, too

There was an exhibition of High Style - which was gorgeous by the way - and for some reason, this is the only photo I took.  Hmm...

And then we happened upon some "performance art" the elevator...uh...okay.

You don't have to understand it for it to be Art, right?

And I love this view...

I think I take the same exact photos every time I visit. (That must mean I like it.)  Chihuly and Greek gods...what's NOT to like?


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