Friday, November 20, 2015

"Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others." ~Orson Welles


When I was dropping Mara off at school the other morning, I caught sight of the power plant on campus.  For some reason it had never occurred to me - or maybe it was the way the early morning sun was making shadows just so - that from the angle where I sat, I could see a page out of a Lynd Ward novel.  Lynd Ward was an artist and storyteller who is known for his series of wordless novels that used woodblock prints.  They are extraordinary.  If you EVER see one of his novels - or one of the books he illustrated - please, please please purchase it for me.  God's Man is my Holy Grail. is my tribute to Lynd Ward.  (Maybe I'll make my own woodblock prints from these...I am long overdue for some printmaking.)

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