Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams....


I read, last year, about one of the new businesses which opened somewhere in Over the Rhine called the Macaron Bar.  And then a couple of months ago, I saw on Facebook where they had opened a kiosk in the Kenwood Towne Centre.  Of course I needed to try them so, while Emily was here, we talked Pappy into an adventure.

Dude...I'm surely not one to turn down a cookie or two, but let's call these guys "Meh-carons".  Holy crap they're expensive and they are way too sugar-y (I cannot even believe I just said that).  But, as they say, nothing ventured - nothing gained.  I now possess the knowledge there ARE some cookies out there I do not fancy...even one apparently made from gold dust and mermaid's tears.

At least they are really pretty...


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