Sunday, November 22, 2015

"But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.” ~William Blake


I have this weird kind of tree fetish.  Really.  Maybe I was a Druid in a former life.  I love photographing trees - so much it's to the point where I have several I visit every couple of months.  They're like my "girls" I collect (in my mind) at the museum and the cemeteries.  No matter how many times I visit them, they're going to get their portraits taken. 

Good news, too.  I am trying to completely ween myself from holding Chuck whilst driving...there are laws about texting and driving - not sure about the photographing and driving.  Although, I need both hands with

Here are some new add to my harem...

And for some reason (yet again), I have a little bit of pure gold stuck in my head tonight...and I'm not complaining this time.  I love this song!!


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