Monday, November 30, 2015

“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” ~Albert Camus


I actually spent a few days taking photos!!  Yay me!  I'm going to spread them out a little, so I can make myself look better...ha ha.

Since, it seems, the leaves have already turned and fallen, I'm going to post these photos of the little Japanese Maple Tree from the entrance to the condo complex.  I actually GOT OUT OF THE CAR to take these!!  (I could have pulled a muscle or two - you don't know.)  Anyway, they were very pretty...

The one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Hanging so light, and hanging so high,
On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.

-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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