Friday, February 27, 2015

O Sinners Let's Go Down, Let's Go Down, Come On Down...

Just chillin...Jazz and Bluegrass on tap tonight.

It has been a quiet couple of days.  The only problem I have encountered is trying to find some nice pajamas for my Stay-cation I am taking in a couple of weeks.  Who knew it was going to be so ridiculously impossible to find something cute and soft and comfortable to fit my fat butt?!! 


One of my problems is when I get into a store - say Burlington Coat Factory - I end up getting pissed when they have nothing to fit me and I end up looking at other clothes instead.  Hmm...maybe this explains why I walked out that door this morning with a picture frame, two shirts and two skirts.  I really need to find a job where I can actually wear my new wardrobe.  Comfy jammies would soothe my despair...

Oh well...back to it.  When I was going through the photo folders on this computer last night, I realized I had some photos saved I haven't posted.  Silly me.  These go back a couple of weeks ago to when Mara and I had Olive Garden.

And this past week when Pappy and I went to Bob Evans after my "procedure" to fill my empty belly.  Do you see the little pitchers of the nasty stuff...the DEVIL'S BLOOD??  Syrup...gag!!  The photo following it shows MY plate of untainted French Toast...

And these are some photos of the beautiful mess Mother Nature has gifted us these past couple of weeks.

And this accidental photo I apparently made while taking photos at the cemetery.  I guess I hit the shutter when I was sitting Chuck down on the seat.  A fun surprise.

Then we have this one from Bob messing around.  I always wonder what the people around me are thinking when I do stuff like this....well...who cares, right?  Especially when I can make fun photos like these.

Well...I'm off to do a little more investigating into Jammie-Gate.  Wish me luck!

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