Saturday, February 14, 2015

It is what it is...

And so it goes....

I just want to state for the record...I do not enjoy being someone's second choice.  It's even worse to realize you're not even 4th or 5th.  Time to feed the pigs, right?

That's the last time I post something about this.  Over and done with (such poor grammar - yikes). combat my crabbiness on such a fine holiday (insert dripping sarcasm) I journeyed deep into the bowels of this hard drive (because silly ol' me forgot my external) to find a fun - and maybe forgotten - photo.  Something to cheer me up on my favorite day of the year (at least I no longer work at the wholesale florist). 

I saw the best meme today on Pinterest.

"If you're sad about being alone on Valentine's Day, just remember....Nobody loves you the other days of the year either."

Apropos.  Well...the dog is happy to see me when I get home every morning.  That's something, right?


Here is a really cool photo that was taken a couple of years ago when Mara and I were camping down at General Butler State Park (she mentioned going camping again this summer to me today!).  I had these little glow lights (which are used at raves) on the ends of my fingers and I was running like a maniac around our campsite.  Chuck was on a tripod and I think he was set with a 30 second shutter speed.  And so you have "Light Painting" - primitive camping style (as primitive as you can be packing $2500 worth of camera gear).

I thought I would throw this one in here to...just to poke fun at myself - doing the Fire Dance.

Nanny-nanny boo-boo. 

I'm a maniac (I can't even blame it on alcohol)...

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