Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Lunar New Year 2015!!


Seems I spoke too soon about the snow.  Mother Nature sure knows how to shut down a city.  And those weather guys....yeah.  I didn't even know it was supposed to snow last night until after midnight so I checked the weather report and they said it wasn't supposed to start until 4am. started at 1am..and didn't stop.  I sit and watch CCTV all night at my job and several of the cameras are on the outside of the building.  Not once did I see a state plow truck treating the street...until after 6am.  By then they were too far behind the traffic to have any effect.  My relief at work was an hour and ten minutes late, which in turn made me 45 minutes late for my doctor appointment.  Needless to say, it was not a very fun day.  I didn't get home until almost 10:30am.

And then there is the doctor appointment.  Since I have some sort of anemia I am most probably suffering from a small amount of internal bleeding.  To find out just where that is occurring will involve a couple of "procedures".  Yay.  You can guess what procedures these are, right?  Endoscopy aaaand...the dreaded colonoscopy.  It was time for the colonoscopy - at my advanced age, so I was expecting that one anyway.  What I wasn't expecting was the speed of having these completed.  My appointment was on Wednesday morning and they have me scheduled for these on Friday morning at 6:45am!

You can guess what's coming next, right?  Flushing.  Holy. Crap.  You should see the amount of laxatives I am required to take.  I ate my last solid food tonight for dinner in preparation for the "colon blow".  I normally like to document all of my life's little adventures, but I may spare everyone the gory photos from this part.  Maybe I'll take a couple of selfies of me lying on the bathroom floor, writhing in agony, tears of pain rolling down my sad face...  At least this time they let me take the laxative home with me.  I had to have some kidney x-ray thing years ago and they made me take the pills right there at the hospital.  Well...I think that was before the AA Hwy was finished and I had about a 40 minute drive home.  Adventures.

Maybe I'll take Chuck into the procedure room with me while they are getting me prepped.  Take some good shots beforehand then let Pappy babysit Chuck until they are finished with me.  (That was another requirement...I had to find a "responsible adult" to accompany me.  Yeah, right.  I don't know any of those.)

Well...let's get on to the important part of this post...photographs.  Since everything has been either frozen or snow-covered, I didn't have much to work with - or so I thought.  (I know better, really.)  Just need to be forever on the lookout for the details.  Look around, they're there.  Promise.

Here are a couple of pics of the beauty of "frozen". 

Those last two were taken at about 7am in the parking lot at work.  The lights are the sodium ones which are an amber color.  Makes for a creepy/beautiful photo though, right?

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