Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fighting for Some Semblance of Reality....


We survived Snowmagedden 2015.  Hopefully, this will be our only significant snowfall of 2015. 

Blah, snow.  It makes life so inconvenient.  I can't believe that I have actually applied for jobs in snowy cities.  I guess public transportation would make it or break it for me, though. 

Sorry...I digress.  Several years ago, I purchased a couple of fun attachments for my camera.  I had seen this absolutely gorgeous photograph of a white horse that had been made with a pinhole camera body cap for a DSLR. What, what??!!  I had forgotten all about it until yesterday while I was laying there (agonizingly) trying to fall asleep during the snow dump...thinking about showing off my photography skills of the white death. 

(Anything you can do, I can do better.  I can do anything better than you...)

This first set of photos was made with the pinhole cap.  I was going to stop at a cemetery but I had worked 12 hours on less than 4 hours of sleep - and I forgot I didn't bring a coat.  They are pretty cool - if I do say so myself!

These next photos were made with a Lomography Diana Lens that I purchased years ago...on PhotoJojo (I think).  It's just this little plastic attachment that you kind of have to hold onto because it really just sits on your camera.  I was out running around in the front yard taking photos like a maniac...without a coat anyway.  Doh.  I love the idea that I was able to get a retro film look from Chuck and a couple of $30 pieces of plastic.  Cool, huh?

Today will consist of another day of less than 4 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work and then a 7:45am appointment after work at the Guts Doctor.  I guess those 12 hours I slept on Sunday were to make up for all of this crap.  Getting old sucks. 

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