Monday, February 23, 2015

Getting Old Is No Fun....

Well...I lived.

Friday morning was exceptionally stressful (don't tell anybody I said that..I was trying to be the big, strong type).  I survived the gallons and gallons of laxatives I had to choke down along with the FOUR pills - where the normal dosage being only one.  Toward the end of ingest-a-thon, I was actually holding my nose, praying the stuff would not only go down but stay down.  Blech.  In all honesty, though, it was nowhere near as bad as I anticipated.  Although...after spending more than a few minutes sitting on the throne...I determined this here little container holds the elixir of the gods.  Mama's little helper.

Pappy and I arrived at the doctor's office at about 6:45am and I am telling you, the place was already hoppin'.  These procedures must be THE in thing with all the popular kids.  Geez.  Everyone was extremely nice and very, very efficient.  My nurse ended up being a girl I went to school with in the 8th grade.  How cool is that??  Small world. are a few pics of my ordeal.

Whatever sedative they give you is really weird.  They call it "conscious sedation".  Needless to say, since I worked almost a full shift before I my appointment, there was no "conscious" and just about all "sedation".  One minute I was sitting there wondering how my heart rate was a mere 72 when I was completely freaking out and the next minute I was looking at live feed on the monitor of the doctor removing a polyp.  (Lassoed that bad-boy right up and yanked him out.)  I guess I must have said something out-loud because the next thing I remember was being back in the area where I started and the nurse telling me she was going to get Pappy.

Now I get to share some cool pictures - of the pictures - of my guts.   This first set is from the Endoscopy.  Where is that light coming from the end of that tunnel?  Aliens?

This one is where my belly has been hurting.  The prescription he gave me seems to be working.  Cross my fingers.

So...this leads us to the pièce de résistance.  The dreaded Colonoscopy.  These photos are from the other end.  

It is both cool and creepy.  See that last photo?  The thing that looks like a Bot Fly?  (Let's hope not!!)  That was the 6mm polyp that I won't have any information on until sometime this week.  Look how clean and shiny everything that a little weird to say?

Well...everything went well and as soon as we were able to leave Pappy and I made tracks to Bob Evans to load up my poor empty belly.  I even went back to work that night.  (I only missed 35 minutes of work Friday morning and that's only because we had to be there so early.)  The drive home Saturday morning is a whole other story.  Maybe later, though...let this plethora of strange information sink in first.

Sorry.  :)

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