Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And I ran, I ran so far away...


Mother Nature is visiting tomorrow to inflict her wrath upon us...once again.

Hey, Lady!!!

Stop already, okay?  Geez.  Now they are predicting 5-10" in the next 26 hours or so.  Yay.  That means I get to risk life and limb both coming and going tomorrow night.  Sometimes, the job just isn't worth it. an attempt to combat my weary depression over all of this cold, white junk, I decided to take an adventure after work this morning.  I set off for the see if I could alleviate my blues.  When I arrived what do you expect I encountered?  That's correct, flying RATS!  Oh, not the ones most encountered when you visit downtown Cincinnati - pigeons.  These are large, annoying shore birds.  Seagulls.  I remember several occasions when they almost passed for vultures!  Once, my family was deep sea fishing in Clearwater and we were on our way back to the dock when this ginourmous flock of seagulls swarmed the boat.  My brothers thought it would be cool to hold up Cheetos for the monsters to snatch right out of their fingers!  Another time, we were on the beach and the fools started throwing snacks up in the air for the birds to pluck right out of the sky.  Just imagine how many of the raucous birds this attracted!! brothers AND the gulls.

Needless to say, this morning's trip included seeing a large group of seagulls, doing their seagull stuff (and these guys had all of their feet, unlike the ones Emily, Mara and I saw in Corpus Christi).

I am sorry to say, though, I did not get to enjoy the sounds of waves crashing upon the shore.  Maybe because I was in the snow covered parking lot of Goodwill in Bellevue and not somewhere warm, sandy and beachy!  Did you know I once read that Cincinnati has 14 different species of seagulls?  Cincinnati???

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