Wednesday, March 25, 2015

And all the night's magic seems to whisper and hush....


This past weekend, Mara and I ventured to Union Terminal (the Museum Center) for the Celtic Heritage Festival.  How can you not ab-so-lute-ly love this building??

Hey Pappy....we found the Skinner Pipe Organ...and Mara's ghost...

I actually went to the festival to visit my friend, Crystal.  She has a community art project in the works with which I hope to be a participant.  Yay!  (She's so freaking cute...)

We were a little disappointed in the amount - or lack there of - of booths set up in the Rotunda.  (I bought some Goat's Milk Soap!)  Luckily, there was some gorgeous live Celtic music to entertain the crowd.

And, of course, we browsed the Gift Shops.  Mara added to her finger-puppet collection, adopting Helen Keller, and I bought a big hunk of Amethyst.  Never know when that stuff may come in handy.

There were two of the musicians busking in front of the building as we were leaving.  I always wanted to learn to play the violin.  Only one problem, though, I can't read music.  I do have a violin related thingy on my bucket list.  I want to feel the strings vibrate while someone - who knows what they're doing - is playing the instrument.  I should have asked someone while I was still at NKU.  I'm not sure I know anyone with a violin now.

I also have to add more Elemental Detail's what I see all around me.  Always.

After we left the Museum, we went to O'Charley's for dinner.  The fact it was only 3:30 in the afternoon didn't deter me....I'm old enough to eat with the Early Bird Specialists now.

This is Mara's, "Don't take my picture!!"...picture.  Suck it up Buttercup...if you're with me you know what's coming.

I'll leave you with this image....SPRING HAS FINALLY SPRUNG!!!!!

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
                                                        ~Anne Bradstreet

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