Friday, March 20, 2015

" We don't have the time for psychological romance..." ~Cameo


I FINALLY took a couple of days off...not that I am complaining (I loves me some overtime) but I needed to reset my clock.  Too much crap has been going on and I haven't been sleeping well.

Guess what...I slept very well - for 2 days.  Two WHOLE days.  I had a little "stay-cation" at a nearby hotel and slept like a log.  I took along my bathing suit (I'm a water baby) but I never changed out of my jammies.  I even met a friend for dinner one night and secretly wore my "dressy" jammies.  Here are a couple of photos of my suite.  It was pretty nice.

Got one text that made me quite angry but that's what I get for leaving my phone on while I was vacationing.  Gotta love your "friends".  Yeah, right.

And, I digress.  After my dinner date, I stopped at the store (in my jammies - god forbid) and bought some snacky things to tide me over throughout the night.  (All I ended up eating of the haul were the powdered doughnuts.)  I also bought a knock-off spirograph set, a stuffed elephant (to go with Teddy and my new Cracker Barrel sock monkey, Joe) and a Lego car.  I love Legos.  I miss Legos.  After I assembled the race car, I decided to take some photos - of course.  I took a sequence using several different f-stops.  In this first one, I shot at f/5.6 but I didn't like this angle...the light was behind me and I didn't like the shadows it cast.

So, I turned the car to face the other direction.  Much better.  This photo was shot at f/9.  I love having a tiny focal point but hey, I was experimenting...remember?

Then we're at f/16 for this next one.  Little more depth of field...

And then on to f/32.  Everything is in focus now.  I don't like this, but it was worth seeing - experiment-wise. 

Maybe I'm just too artsy-fartsy...or maybe I like being "dramatic".  Here is my last photo for this observation...and I went all out.  Shot at f/5.6 and converted to Black & White and a vignette added.  Arsty and Fartsy.  Hey...I'm allowed.

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