Saturday, March 7, 2015

What would you do if I sang out of tune....


Yesterday was Mara's surgery.  Everything went well and she will be fine but I (of course) had to take a couple of photos to document this occasion.

Here she is - before the I.V.  Notice the silly smile...

Then came the dreaded insert the horrible needle into her hand...some tears were shed...

Surgery took less than an hour and when I was finally escorted back to recovery, I found this.  I was informed that this was her "Mother Teresa" look.  (I also videotaped her rambling on like a wino on a 3 day binge...that's for later..)

While Pappy and I were sitting in the waiting room, I decided to take some photos of the Chihuly installation hanging in the foyer of St. Elizabeth Outpatient Center.  Holy. Crap.  I turn into a drooling idiot when I see anything Chihuly...especially in person.  I've been to see his work at the Cincinnati Art Museum, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Milwaukee Art Museum, the Franklin Conservatory in Columbus, OH, the Indianapolis Children's Museum, Maker's Mark in Bardstown, KY, the SOFA Exhibit in Chicago (where I caressed one of his baskets) and I wanted to go to a show in Virgina Beach when we were there but I was voted down...."You'll be in there forever...."  Jerks. I can go to the hospital to get a fix if needed.

I guess I should apologize for the amount of photos I'm posting of this installation...but I'm not gonna.

My blog - my rules.  Enjoy.

When I got home I was sitting in the living room with Pappy, catching up on our shows, and I happened to look out into the kitchen.  I promise...our house is full of some of the creepiest stuff you have ever seen (and don't get me started on the monkey with the cymbals).  This cute little guy is Emily's friend...

No wonder I have least Kathleen is gone.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything went well.

    Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.
    Mother Teresa
