Friday, March 6, 2015

In Like A Lion...

Yeah....Sooooo over this snow.

I sit, 56 hours a week, looking at several banks of cameras while I am keeping the building safe from ruffians and unsavory characters (I guess).  One of the exterior cameras apparently has a mind of its own.  For the past couple of weeks, the freaky thing all of the sudden starts to spin ('round and 'round) of its own volition.  It's really, really annoying - not to mention infecting my brain with an earworm of that Dead or Alive tune...You spin me right round, baby...

Just stop.

Well, the other night before Mother Nature released the hounds of hell upon us, it was warm enough to rain.  The crazy camera was doing its thing - again.  This time, though, the camera was pointing strait down towards the ground and the rain was dripping off of the dome casing.  This is what I was able to capture - and after taking 117 photos of this phenomenon I made Sophie's Choice down to these 3...

I know they are all pixillated...I was taking photos of a computer monitor with my ISO bumped all the way up to 6400...I was being "artsy" (I'm allowed!)  They're cool looking, though.  Every time the droplet became too heavy it changed color right before falling...reflecting the lights from the surrounding parking lot.  I guess I could drop the photos into iMovie and make a short time-lapse.  Maybe I'll try that tomorrow.

Next, we have some photos I took on my epic trek back to my car after Mother Nature tried to bury us - again.  I promise, I though I was going to die.  I parked on a hill at the top of Wendy's parking lot (about 6 miles from home) just in case the lot did not get plowed before I had to leave for work.  So...I was a sight...carrying my purse (that I recently had the nurse weigh - 9.9lbs), my backpack (laptop, tablet, power cords, vitamins), my lunch, the window scraper and a walking stick.  When I finally got there, I opened the car door and lay on the seat, gasping like a fish out of water.  I think I pulled elbow ligaments...

This first photo is the layers of strata of snow made by the windshield wipers...

This is from when I parked the morning before the storm

I think we ended up with about 6 inches or so...ANY is inconvenient.

And I took these two when I finally made it home the next morning.

I hope this is the last gasp of winter, although, I remember watching Pete Rose standing on base Opening Day 1985 during an almost complete white-out...

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