Saturday, May 24, 2014

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby Right Round - Like a Record, Baby Right Round Round Round...

Next round...

Maybe this time I'll check my edit a little closer...make sure I'm not posting the same photos from the other day.


Tonight was the big Camelopardalids Meteor Shower.  I went outside to see how many I could spot while standing in the parking lot, but the light pollution is atrocious.  I did see one good shooting star and a couple of little faint ones but nothing like I used to see when we had All-Nighter Stargazing Sessions.

I miss my house.... are more photos from our weekend adventures.

Love finding the random beer bottle at the ATM.

Only 2 more groups of photos to share after today....or maybe I'll do one last large one as Mara and I are attending the Taste of Cincinnati this weekend. 

Talk about photo-ops!!

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