Saturday, May 17, 2014

Everybody's Working for the Weekend....

So...Another week is in the books.  Nothing very special happened, except that time seems to be flying's already May 16th!

I applied for two more jobs this week although, I should perhaps broaden my prospect pool.  I try thinking outside the box some nights, but then it's like surfing on Google....I start with something specific and 2 hours later I'm looking at Carny jobs in Fairbanks, Alaska.  Yeah.

I did receive another rejection letter today, in the mail no less.  At least the University of Louisville was classy about it.  It's hard to find a job because they want someone with experience despite the fact you can't get experience unless you can get hired.  Catch-22.  Oh well, all I can do is try.  (Everybody keep your fingers crossed....please?) adventures this past week started off with me driving down the expressway by the airport and looking over to see a big fat plane sitting at a gate.  I decided to run over to the viewing area and see if there were any planes taking off or landing.  The last time I made this journey was for naught.  CVG has gone from an airport which saw over 1000 flights a day to one which may see a thousand a week....during a good week.  DHL does have some really massive planes departing in the mornings....holy crap....I mean GARGANTUAN.  How do they get off the ground?

Then there are the passenger planes which appear practically puny next to the cargo planes.

A couple of months ago, I made another wire tree sculpture.  I know it's kinda cheesy but, hey, I made it with my own 2 little hands.

Now, thanks to my friend Robert Richards, Pappy and I have been scouring the antique flea markets for Matchbox cars.  I have no idea what I'm buying, other than what Bob tells me to look for, but I'm having fun trying!  These are a couple of his that he brought in to show me.  Just call me "Grasshopper"....

It rained - and I was playing with a different lens....

Mara and I went to the Duveneck Art Show on Riverside Drive in Covington.  There was a bevy of gorgeous work (and some just so-so).  I remember going to this show when I was a was the 45th annual - and I DID just turn 35 - again...

When we go on vacation, I normally tell people I'm from Cincinnati.  It's much easier than explaining the geography of the Tri-State...and check out this city.  Simply Gorgeous.'s a little bit of abstract.  Me, sitting at a red light, checking out my surroundings.

"Bad and Chuck have an unnatural relationship."  I remember my dad letting me sit on his lap and drive.  That was in Ludlow, where traffic was non-existent.  Holding Chuck (he's not allowed to drive) while I'm behind the wheel is naughty.  Hey, at least I was at a red light....

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