Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekend Warriors - Kinda...


The weekend didn't start out on a positive note.  My cellphone died....completely.  Kaput.  I tried everything suggested on the manufacturer's website, but to no avail.  Then I made the mistake of visiting the Radio Shack in Newport.  You would think I had learned my lesson by now.  I simply cannot visit one of those stores without my head exploding.  Luckily, this time, there was no bloodshed.

One of these days, Alice...POW!  Straight to the moon!

All I can do now is wait for payday and purchase a new (better) phone.

Before THAT fiasco, Mara and I attended the 36th Annual Taste of Cincinnati.  I can honestly say I have only missed a few of those years.  This year did not disappoint.  Everything shifted one block East and, in my opinion, this was a definite improvement.  Oh, it's still squishy down by Fountain Square, but it seems to flow better with this configuration.  Food Track Alley was a new addition this year.  If you have not yet found Marty's Waffles - Do.  It.  NOW. 

I promise, you will not be sorry.

There are ALWAYS sights to see...

And excellent music...Robin Lacy and DeZydeco...


Eclectic crowds...along with (a LOT) of Cincinnati's Finest....

But...I ALWAYS wonder if people have a mirror in their house...and if they use it.  Or, do they just check their look in the mirror and say, "Yep, this is what I was going for."  YIKES!

I love living here.  I would never, ever tell someone that Cincinnati is boring.  You have to look for your own excitement...there is always something going on here.  Just broaden your horizons, try something new.  YOU abandon your boring-ness - it's a good exercise in acceptance.


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