Thursday, May 8, 2014

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.....

Is this the real life? 
Is this just fantasy? 
Caught in a landslide, 
No escape from reality. 

Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Oh man...

Last night was the pits.  I have known for a week or so that my friend, Todd, was leaving.  The company he works for lost their contract at our facility and some rooty-toot company is taking over Sunday.


The whole situation sucks on so many levels.  Being a female and having just about all male friends - who are usually married - is tough.  I promise I am such a non-threat that it is kind of ridiculous.  But, try explaining why you are texting some chick at 3am...

Guy: ...You'd do that for me? Really!
Wife: Who is that.
Guy: Jake, from State-Farm.
Guy: *Sounds like a really good deal*.
Wife: Jake from State-Farm, at 3 in the morning. WHO IS THIS?
Guy: It's Jake, from State-Farm.
Wife: What are you wearing "Jake from State-Farm"?
Jake: Uh... Khakis
Wife: She sounds hideous
Guy: Well she's a guy so... 

I'm not a guy, but, the premise still applies.  It's not easy being me....

Well, I got my sweaty goodbye hug (that I had to beg for!!) and a promise he won't forget us and he'll come visit (keep in mind,'ll take me about 20 seconds to find your house...).  We'll see.

I also accomplished something I kinda promised I would not do to him.  I took his picture!  AND - I'm posting it!  I was going to Photoshop one of those black bars over his eyes so he could still retain his precious anonymity, but he accomplished that all by his little self.  Hat tip forward.  That's okay, I still know who it is.

Seriously.  Thank you, Todd.  You have undoubtedly made these last couple of years bearable...even if you don't like cartoons, or cake, or the vast myriad of other stuff...Who ARE you??

Who DOESN'T like cartoons??


Well, here he is - the poor soul who had the misfortune of me glomming onto him.  Love ya, Buddy, Mean it.

Not too many people I know have the balls to talk to me the way you do.

I'm going to miss you like careful, please.

Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.

Anyway the wind blows. 

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