Friday, May 15, 2020

“Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields… Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” ~Mary Oliver


I haven't freaking posted anything since October 19, 2019 (or thereabouts).  What a loser. 😀

Some things going on these days....

  • I'm now walking with my cane on a permanent basis...more of a pacifier (terrified of falling - again).  Sucks getting old.
  • I have a torn rotator cuff - which also happens to be the arm I carry my cane.  REALLY sucks getting old.
  • Chuck got a new lens!!  Well, a replacement 18-135mm but with an upgrade.  It's phenomenal!
  • I found a (hopefully original) Georges Braque pochoir at auction - for $6.00!  I haven't been able to have it evaluated yet.
  • Switched to cactus plants - since I murdered all the other ones I had.
  • Started my Victory Garden - tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.
  • Turned 57 (YIKES!!) the other day.
  • Still working 6 days a week - I'm essential 😁 (at least here).
  • In the past week I've seen three deer, a rabbit, a cat and a TURKEY on camera while at work.  The turkey visits the front porch every day and the rabbit hops around the yard every night.
  • I'm super crabby - Spencer is right.  Wearing a mask and breathing in all of this carbon dioxide seems to make you angry - not that I need much help in that area, but it's exhausting.
Can't think of much else....

Oh yeah...the freaking Pandemic!  Not to get political but, Holy Shit, this administration has the blood of 86,541 victims (as of right this moment) on their hands.  And according to the Scientists and Epidemiologists, shit's gonna get worse.  I'm terrified.  So much shit is going on.  Let's hope that death toll doesn't reach into the millions - even one death is too many.

Well, let me post my photos I worked on tonight.  The first 3 are from Thanksgiving - SIX MONTHS AGO.  Geez.  They were taken with my 50mm lens.  The rest were taken with the new lens.  HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to get out and take some photos soon.  Even Spring Grove Cemetery is closed.


“You may not always have a comfortable life. And you will not always be able to solve all the world’s problems all at once. But don’t ever underestimate the impact you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.” 

~Michelle Obama

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