Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"We thought those days would never end..."


Emily was home for the weekend but, since ol' tropical depression Bill decided to visit, our outdoor activities had to be amended.  That meant thrifting!!  No one is going to complain about that!

First stop was at SAAP's Rummage Sale.  How freaking cute is this little dog??  Her name is Gabby.

We hit several Goodwills and a St. Vincent de Paul.  These babies were in the parking lot of one store.  I had to hike through swamplands to take these!  Shrooms...

We also drove through the California Golf Course so we could see the reservoirs.  This sign was there...although, now that I have seen the bottom line, I don't think it's very PC.  The dairy where we bought milk when I was a kid had something similar...but they kind of referred to it as an old farmers' saying.

And I'm having a tree fetish...maybe I'm druid.

Pappy spotted these gorgeous flowers in the bed across the street from his house. 


AND...the pièce de résistance...pure indulgence.  Decadence.  Thank you, Pappy.  (There was leftover icing which Pappy and I used to dip our doughnuts in the next morning...is that a bad thing?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
    For in our hearts the dreams are still the same
