Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Debussy is a god....


Slow week - again.  We hit a couple of Goodwill and St. Vincent de Paul stores this weekend.  I did make an awesome purchase...two small triangle looms.  Cool!!  I started weaving some squares - you weave one triangle and push it down on the pegs of the loom and then weave another one and crochet the two of them together.  Viola!  A square.  At first, I was only going to make a wall-hanging or the like, but I decided to try to create an afghan.  I figured I'll need 70 squares to make an afghan approximately 3' x 4'.  I have 16 squares takes more than a few minutes to weave one. 

Patience, Grasshopper... are this weekend's photos and this week's offerings to the art gods...

I don't know about you, but my OCD would make me CRAZY about the placement of the lock...crikey!

Going in the back door...

We're never going to get to go to the pool....

More Legos...I need to get to making my bigger sets...

Bodhi...catching some tasty waves...

"You're gonna need a bigger boat..."  Holy crap!  Jaws is going to be at theaters again this summer!!  I know for sure I'll be going so that maybe this time I won't spend most of the movie hiding on the floor of the theater.  Just for the record...that was 1975, right?  I still will not go in the ocean.

Ojo de Dios...back to my Girl Scout days...I just found a ton of instructions for fancy ones!!

And this seems to be happening a lot...wrastlin' Chuck back into my purse wearing this apparatus on my hand, taking weird accidentals.

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