Monday, June 8, 2015

Paradise, can it be all I heard it was. I close my eyes and maybe I'm already there....


Here we are again...the end to an adventurous weekend.  I have about 65 photos to post from the last week so I'm going to break it up into a couple of posts (mainly, I was getting fed up with how slow the whole post-processing was going - and I want to watch Game of Thrones...).

On Wednesday, Pappy, Mara and I went thrifting.  (Just can't take him anywhere...)

We usually hit 3 or 4 thrift shops and maybe stop for a bite to eat, too.

For some reason, IHoP seems to be our restaurant of choice lately.  The biggest drawback of that place?  The "devil's blood" sitting on the table...just waiting to cause an accident.

On the way home, we decided to stop at Lunken Airport to see if any of the big planes were there yet for the Airport Days which happened over the weekend.

Only this one...but I have some cooler pics of it for the next post...

And this crappy pic of a little lizard...I'm still using my 40mm Pancake Lens in deference to my sore no zooms...

Mara and I went to the movies on Friday, and on Saturday Ludlow and Bromley had their City-wide Yard Sales.  We visited the house were Pappy lived until he was in the second grade and his mom's church...

I did have a personal best in the purchasing department.  I found two Charley Harper serigraphs...for $15.00 a piece!!  That's over $500.00 worth of art!  My art collection is growing fairly well.  I purchased a George Braque original lithograph at auction recently for $25.00.  I am doing quite well. is a collection of "shapes" I saw on our travels...

And all of the flower photos I took this week...

(I didn't realize I had this many...)

More photos to follow...


  1. I'll take those long nights, impossible odds
    Keeping my back to the wall

  2. John Snow seconds that comment!!
