Monday, May 4, 2015

"If I could save time in a bottle..."


I can tell by reviewing my photographs from the past week that warmer weather has finally arrived.  More green stuff.  I get so tired of looking at brown and dead that I tend to stop taking photos by the end of winter.  I also seem to be outdoors a whole lot more - hence, better subject matter.

It seems like I am trying to explore more of the "bigger picture", too.  I wonder what that means.  Oh...there are still plenty of elemental photos but I am also taking a big step back and embracing the whole enchilada - so to speak.

We'll see where this goes this summer.

I have been trying to fill the long (boring) nights with at least a little bit of art.  You know, pot holders, Legos, Zentangle, weaving and chopping the heads off plastics animals.  There is only so much binge watching you can do before your head explodes.  (By the way...freaking Game of Thrones!!!  Why didn't I watch this from the beginning??  43 episodes in 9 days...yeah baby.)  Here are some of this week's offerings to the gods of Art...

Then...there is the early morning sun.  The "Golden Hour" of gorgeous light.  (I'm shooting everything lately with Chuck's LED display set on B&W and some of the sunrise photos were cool looking so I converted them.  Sorry.)  In the first photo I was trying to show how even though the sun was coming up in front of me, the opposite side of my car was illuminated, also, by the reflection in the windows of the building behind me.  You can see it - somewhat.

And now I can take some great photos in my favorite-ist places - cemeteries.

Mara had a follow-up appointment at the hospital for her surgery and these are from the parking garage.  Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest and my head will explode if I am not able to capture what I see.  Especially any type of light and shadow contrast.

And then we have my "just every day general observances".

And a banana peel - free range.  Warhol would be proud.

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