Friday, May 22, 2015

"I love you more today than yesterday, But not as much as tomorrow..."


We finally got to have an adventure with Emily!

Last Saturday was the City Flea - a juried flea market full of crafters and artisans - at Washington Park.  I recently used the last of my Goat's Milk soap and I knew that the couple I had bought it from at the Celtic Fest would be at the Flea...and they would have their baby goats.  I am also in search of a new pair of earrings since the copper pair I had been wearing turned my ears black and green.  Grr.

I didn't realize it at the time, but the OTR 5k Run had originated from Washington Park that morning, too.  Holy crap...there were so may people!  And dogs!  And strollers!  We were planning on buying lunch at one of the Food Trucks, but while we were checking out the menus, I overheard someone say the wait for their order was more than 25 minutes.  Yeah, I don't think so.  Taco Bell went on the itinerary right then.  All in all, we had an excellent time.  I like that we have different events to choose to attend each weekend.  Gets me out of my rut.  (Now if I would only get out of the CAR to take the photos...) is the evidence of the adventure....

That morning, I stopped to smell the roses...well, Bearded Irises.  I saw these on my way home the other day and the color was so much different than I had ever seen I had to stop and take a photo.  The flowers were enormous.  And gorgeous.


For some reason, all of the sudden I have a plethora of photos of fire escapes...the reason escapes me (see what I did there?).

Beautiful SCPA building...

Rookwood tile at the entrance of Washington Park...

Alpaca alpacas.  Felted.


The scary creature who attacked me!

These two...

Somebody spent the winter eating the nuts instead of hiding them...

Fashion choices...

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