Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Live for each second, without hesitation..."


Here's the second part of the past week's adventures.  Mara and I packed up the gypsy cart and headed down to the Burlington Antique Flea Market Sunday morning.

First on the agenda was getting me a Marty's Waffle for breakfast.  Find his his waffles.  You WILL NOT be sorry!

I am still learning to negotiate the gypsy cart, Chuck, my wallet (and touching everything) with my lame bear paw.  I wear a soft brace while I am awake and I have a new rigid brace for sleeping - or attempting to sleep.  Needless to say, I am not very coordinated trying to juggle all of that so there weren't very many photos taken Sunday. 

These two of some "wildlife"...

This one of the sky - those are was nice out - while I waited for Mara to bring me my wieners...

And the seemingly ever-present daily free-range banana peel...

Monday morning I was the "happy" recipient of another shot in my thumb.  Holy crap.  I think he stabbed me right in my bone.  As he was sticking the needle in he said it would feel like a balloon filling up...yeah...a balloon under my skin!  This is what my hand looked like that night - a catcher's mitt.  I had real tears - several times.  Todd's suggested ice-pack and a couple of cookies helped - a little.

I was stuck in traffic on the way home...aggravating...

Mara and I also went to see the new Avengers movie - The Age of Ultron.  It was really good!  James Spader is a god...

I had Chuck and we were doing naughty things...but they're really cool looking, aren't they?!!

Hey...that last guy looks familiar...hmm...

This truck pulled up at the Goodwill we frequent.  Self professed...

And I saw this in the lobby after the nice Hand Therapist Lady made my new rigid brace.  Nice.  I even saw it in Black & White in my head before I took the photo.

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