Friday, May 15, 2015

I wish I knew then, What I know now, Wouldn't dive in, Wouldn't bow down...


Today we experienced some "Momma Drama".  Mara had all of her glorious long locks shorn.


Okay, okay...she looks gorgeous but that wasn't the point (it's all about ME).  She last had it cut a month before her 18th birthday so I guess she is entitled...and the fact that she is a legal adult has nothing to do with it.  Why torture her mother?  At least Emily got that whole "Let's cut ALL of my hair off - myself - when she was 2 years old.  (I cried for days.)  That episode made anything else she did follicly, smooth sailing.  But Mara...oh use crying over spilled milk, right?

No, really...she looks so much better with it shorter.  More mature (god forbid).

Here we go...

My friend Josh gave her the new cut...I highly recommend everyone visit him at Mi Salon in Florence, KY. he's always so busy traveling and teaching it's necessary to make an appointment 6 months ahead!!  (We were really lucky...he had a cancellation.)

This is where it started...

Again with the Mother Teresa...


(oh god...)

Okay...I love it...

Holy Crap...she looks exactly like Emily in this photo...

See?? Geez!!  It's like they're sisters or something...


Mara is donating her hair - again.  It can be put to excellent use for cancer patients.

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