Sunday, December 29, 2013

Under the Sea....

So...we're watching The Little Mermaid right now (haven't seen it for years but it's one of MANY movies that I can recite - verbatim.  Thanks, Emily).  This movie is fitting because this afternoon, Mara and I made a trip down to the Newport Aquarium.  Although I enjoy visiting, it is just a little disappointing.  I mean, we've been to aquariums all over the United States, and while Newport's is pretty cool, it seems kind of small and filled with only alligators and sharks.  That sounds kind of petty, doesn't it.

Maybe I'm just crabby because I wasn't able to get very many good photos.  Pooh.  I really only wanted to visit there to obtain more video clips, especially the jellyfish.  That was a bust, too.  I was able to get a large amount of video of the ray sharks, sharks and stingrays.  They were all quite fascinating, as always.

I can usually get some nice shots of the penguins, too, but nobody in the tank seemed to be up to swimming.  The people standing right in front of the tank didn't help my disposition very much, either.  I actually ask one of the trashy moms to sit down. (I am permitted to make this statement as Mara and I were trapped in between her and her poor son while she was cussing him out in one of the tunnels.  Nice, mom.  Remember, you are a product of your environment.)

Well, without further ado, here are some "okay" photos of the fishies and gators.


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