Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Well....I've been slacking again.   I could blame it on the fact that I have worked the past bazillion weeks (in reality, about 4 weeks) with only one day off.  Yep, ONE day.  This past Sunday was my precious day of leisure....and boy did I leisure!  More than usual sleep, jammies all day, and lots and lots of TV.

I didn't even edit and process my Thanksgiving photos until Monday - and here it is Wednesday and I am just now posting them. 


Good news is that these photos are pulling double duty.  I have to give a PowerPoint presentation - in French (with no notes) on Friday.  I am heavily supplementing my pitiful French pronunciation with my awesome photography!  Hopefully, I can get some additional points for my self glorification.

One of the best things about slacking in the processing department is that I always, always, always carry Chuck Norris so I am able seize every opportunity to capture the Decisive Moment.  This helps create an abundance of photos for me to post on this blog!

Here's Thanksgiving - a week later.  Judge me if you must - I can handle it.


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