Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Boring Life....

Hmm...what a crazy couple of months.  I think I've worked more overtime in November and December than the whole 5-1/2 years I've been here - combined.  Oh well, builds character, right?

And I AM quite the character...ba-dum-bump.

The weather has been crazy, too.  Snow days (at college!), wind, torrential rains, flooding, more snow, thunderstorms, 67 degrees and a tornado warning on December 21st!  Now all we need are the hoards of locusts....wait, are stink-bugs in the locust family? 

I think we may have pissed off Mother Earth.

I still haven't really taken very many photos, I've been too freaking tired.  I did get something really cool from one the Officers at work.  He had a ton of people sign three "Congratulations on Graduating" cards for me. 

How cool is that?

Maybe.....some of them even like me!!

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