Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Little Behind the Times....

Well...another week (or two) has come and gone.  Work has consumed most of my time and energy so I've been quite lackadaisical in my posting - and photographing.  I do have some (what I regard as) considerably gorgeous photos of the snow and ice from my early morning drive home - windshield, landscape, car - stuff.  

This time of year can be so depressing.  Everything is dead and gray.  It takes some imagination and perception to find the beauty lurking out there in the wild blue yonder.  Patience is not one of my strong points - if you know me personally you already have this tidbit of knowledge - so I am thoroughly happy with this current installation of pictures. 

I promise to take more photos this week - I despise being so exhausted all of the time.


Oh yeah....I graduated this past weekend.

My very last day at NKU - with Maracat...

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