Saturday, December 28, 2013

Better Late than Never....

Hey...since I decided to start collecting new video clips of my fascinating daily life, I am now also carrying my little Kodak point and shoot camera.  

And IS lighter in the car...

I shot a couple of different scenarios I came across the past 2 days (Mara helped).  Last night, I decided to look through all of photos on already on the camera.  Duh, why didn't I think of this before?  It's not like I do this on a daily basis (sarcasm here).  There were almost 2 years of photos on the card!  It was only about 50 photos, but how sad is that? 

Well, for here on out I promise I will be more diligent in the handling of my Art.  (Geez...I should never have to declare that - ever.)

I have to admit, though, the quality of the photos cannot hold a candle to Chuck's, but if I use the camera more often, I may become more proficient - or at least be able to qualify the camera's shortcomings - and work them into my artistic intentions.

"Adapt and Overcome"

I REALLY cannot tolerate the jerk who used to say that to me....but I'll appropriate it anyway. are the results of my findings.  I imported the photos into Lightroom and processed them (only a smidge).  I wanted to be aware of what the camera is capable of producing (without any software help). 

It's a whole 2 years - and weird array - of my bizarre, eccentric BUT hilarious life.


Yikes!! Jeremy Saunders took this - without my consent.  ;)

My mom's watercolors.

Checking out the B&W feature.


Mara - in Chicago.

I'm part vampire - the drive to work...

More of the commute.


Emily's Birthday cake (sadly I can't remember what year - she's old anyway so it's kinda moot).  Dexter has John Cena in the Kill Room!!!

Loch Norse - NKU - early morning shoot in Chris Smith's class.

Fireworks at Old Coney - I think this was the first year of the Light Up the Night competition.

My gorgeous - gigantic! - Christmas tree.  Last year.  This year I added lights.

Construction at McLane's.

Early morning on the AA Hwy.

Classic Bug.  We had several, years ago.  The BEST car I ever owned - hands down.

Mara - at the movies I assume.

KISS Pez!!!  What's not to love here??

Definite randomness...

I'm weird.

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