Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ringin' In the New Year - Security Style....

Okay...another two nights of the coveted "parking lot duty" under my belt.  Who doesn't love sitting in their car, protecting an empty building and lot, for 16 hours?  The topper on the cake last night?  The dreaded White Death.

Yeah.  Goody-goody gumdrops.

But, ya know, I have a mission in life - document as many incidents (no matter how trivial - or odd) in my life as I can get my grubby little paws on.  I ALWAYS love an adventure.

Long story short today, I have even MORE photos of stuff on my windshield and white stuff on the trees.  Here are a couple...

You have no idea the hardships I had to endure to take those last two.  I had the car window down and my elbow got all wet!!  Fruth always said we have to suffer for our art.  (Personally, I like when someone ELSE has to suffer for my art...)

I'm hoping this last photo is a beautiful on everyone's screen as it is on mine.  I was shooting video on Chuck using the Live View feature.  I don't like using this for several, it sucks up a lot of battery and b, my hands aren't as stable as me pressing the camera against my head and looking through the viewfinder.  Too much squigglin'. 

I'm trying to let go of my anal tendencies and live with whatever "gifts" Chuck bestows upon me.  To me, this photo was a cool gift.  I hope you enjoy it is much as I do.


Pretty awesome, eh?

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