Wednesday, January 22, 2014

“The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close up.” ― Chuck Palahniuk....

Hmm...haven't been here for a few weeks.  Nothing spectacular has even happened that was worth photographing.  Plus, for the past couple of weeks, I've had pneumonia.

Sicker than a dog....

One of the guards at work was so sick he was admitted to the hospital.  Some nasty flu-like virus is also making its way through the ranks at work.  I have so much Nyquil, Dayquil, Robitussin, Antibiotics and prescription cough syrup in my system I have turned into a mouth breather.  Yay.

I have a couple of photos from our dinner 3 weeks ago at Frisch's.  I drank what I'm sure will be my last Cherry Coke from there since they are switching to Pepsi products.  Boo.  At least it was tasty.  The food...not so much.  I cannot recommend the new "bowl" dinners....unless you REALLY enjoy mashed potatoes.  Nope.

This post is kind of sad.  I've been reduced to posting photos of condiments and light fixtures.  Oh well, hopefully I will be feeling better in a bit and I can search out more interesting subject matters.


Please be tolerant.  :)

I'll be back in top form soon....promise.

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