Friday, April 24, 2015

" Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night..."


Shenanigans going on at work this past week or so.  They removed my supervisor without so much as a howdy-do.  The company I work for has a policy in which they will remove people from their posts but they will not inform anyone as to why. we go.  More overtime to cover the missing person - as if 7 days a week weren't enough already.  Now I get some 12 hour days in there, too.  Whatever happened to job security, where a company took care of it's associates, treated them like people and not just a warm body to fill a position?  I don't feel quite as stressed at this post, but it always seems like we are "out of sight, out of mind".

Anyway...this dumb brace is interfering with my relationship with Chuck.  I am having a difficult time maintaining a cuddling embrace on my main man's sturdy little body.  The result - a couple of barely in focus photos of the Phlox and Azaleas in the front yard.  (Well...maybe if I had put down my 10lb. purse and 20lb. backpack, too...)  It will just take a little time to adjust - I hope.

I can't decide if the colors are so ridiculously blown out here or if it is just my computer (or eyes).  I mean, the Phlox are a bright pink variegated and the Azaleas are a shocking magenta/fuchsia and the early morning sun makes the color explode but the photos look like they are strobing off the monitor.  I don't know...maybe it's just me but every time I take a photo of these Azaleas it looks wonky.  I threw a B&W one in there, too, for comparison - meh.  The last one kind of make the stamens look like little glowing fiber optics.

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