Wednesday, April 15, 2015

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”


This has been a particularly boring week.  I mean really boring.  The only significant bit was my appointment with the hand surgeon.  The reason I can no longer hold Chuck comfortably is because I have osteoarthritis in my thumb.  

First, the P.A. lady was wriggling my thumb around making it hurt, then the Xray chick was moving it in weird positions (I told her it hurt and when she did it again I said, "I can reach you, ya know...").  When the Doctor came in he had the P.A. cut off all of my bracelets and then HE dug in.  Yikes.  O.M.G.  He actually made me cry...not by the diagnosis but by repeatedly "manipulating" the area where the pain originates.  No hurt my heart.  I remember him saying something about wearing a soft splint for 3 weeks and coming back for a steroid injection in the joint but I can't really be sure.  I was in a daze staring out the window, cradling my poor arm and trying to keep the snot from running down my face.  I know I made an appointment (and that nice lady gave me some tissues) so I guess we'll see in 3 weeks.  I requested my xrays be added to my patient profile online so if they do it I'll post them on here....they're cool looking. are all THREE (weak) photos I have.  The first is from the stormy night and me taking photos of the diamonds on the door.  The second is from more thrifting adventures and the third is Mr. Peepers - eyeballing me while we waited an interminable amount of time in Taco Bell's drive-thru.  The person two cars ahead of us must have ordered something exotic (come's freaking Taco Bell!!).  I think they had to go out back and kill the tacos for their order or something.  Geez.  As you can probably tell...I am an Immediate Gratification Queen - of the drive-thru.

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