Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall, Hundred Bottles of Beer...


This is my 100th post!  I am honestly impressed with myself.  Never figured I would stick it out this far.  Thank you for looking at my photos.  It means a lot.  Seriously.

I have been out and about, taking a few photos here and there.  Sometimes, though, I feel like I've taken some of the same shots over and over.  I am seeing much more of my surroundings - more aware.  Frequently, my main problem arises when I see a cool shot, but I'm driving.  I am sincerely attempting to wean myself from taking photos while I behind the wheel.  So far, so good.  It just means that I have to make some hinky "turn arounds" so I can go back and capture what I saw.  I'm a maniac. are my adventures from this weekend.

Feasting on the absurd amount of flies on the front walk.

Gone made me almost as angry as the book...but it was a very good movie.

Gettin' comfy...


Dinner after the movie - my first beer in a restaurant in at least 25 years...mmmm...

Red rose that looks like a head of cabbage in B&W (weird)...

Pink rose...

Bride of Frankenstein...

Freddy...stuff of my nightmares...


Passy...someone is going to have a REALLY bad night...

Here's to 100 more!

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