Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"At My Age, One Must Ration One's Excitement..."

Holy.  Crap.

How many people do you know who injures themselves while attending CPR class?  Well...you know at least one.  


It should be against the rules that a 35yr old (okay....17x's), overweight chick would be required to wallow around on the floor making out with a dummy (Shush, Mara).  I did that crap back in my early 20's!

For real, though.  I am not able to spend any time on my knees.  It really hurts!  I fell, waaaay back when, and cracked my knee-cap (remember that, Emily?  You were going to get out of the car to pick me up.  Bahahahaha!!).  And to put that much weight on my wrists for 30 compressions - over and over and over - is going to cause some damage.  (This is the same wrist I had operated on back in the 80's)

I have a boo-boo!  My left wrist is killing me!  And I think I'm going to have bruises on my knees!  And I didn't even get a kiss from the dummy!  (We had to use masks...)

Every time I try to climb in my bed, I zing my wrist...then I try to catch myself by propping my knee on the mattress and I zing myself again!  I had to take two Aleves.  Getting old sucks.

I'm whining...can you tell?

At least I was able to take a few photos before my body seized up.  Sadly, no pics of the dummy.  Chuck weighs a ton, so I have to be careful...no way do I want to carry my tripod to shoot off of...that thing weighs a bazillion pounds!

After being tortured for almost 8 (EIGHT!) hours of CPR training, I sneaked up the street - oops - to Ikea to get a couple of shelves for my room and then hit Target for some Commands Strips.  At least I was able to capture a few good shots.


Aaron Siskind...


I'll be all stove-up tomorrow.  Hopefully, I won't have to milk this one for "too" long.

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