Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping" ~Paul Simon


Nothing spectacular has happened in the past 2 days.  Believe me, I am NOT complaining.  I think I have slept more in the past 2-1/2 weeks than I have in the past 8 years.  Not that I am exaggerating....okay - maybe a little.  But, I have been sleeping at least twice as much as I was each day.  And, at my age, this is a good thing.

I have also been watching a little bit of my television shows - at their regular times!


I have been reading like a fiend, too - I think I have read 7 or 8 books in the past 3 days.  Easily. 

Last week, Mara and I went to one of the Kroger's in Cold Spring and I found some new flavors of those Sparking Ice drinks that are a dollar.  Holy crap they're tasty.  My new favorite is Cherry Limeade.  Oh, myyyy.  I also have a nasty (gross) habit of eating lemons - kind of like an apple or an orange.  The whole thing - except the peel.  Delicious.

Well, today was another errand day and it was yucky and overcast but the clouds were pretty cool.  Other than that, I've been just hanging out (in my jammies).  I didn't even fix my hair when we went out today (I DID take a shower).  Slacker.

See ya...

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